New Year, New You! Should You Create A Vision Board?

New Year, New You! Should You Create A Vision Board?

August 1, 2020 Off By Taylor
Image of two friends smiling in a coffee shop. Brunettes, young, happy, kindness, love. Friends discuss create vision board

In this article, I’m focusing on something a bit different. With every new year, people spend countless hours planning their year and resolving to do better. Whether it’s losing weight, saving money, or deciding to travel more, as the calendar year changes, we all strive to improve ourselves and learn from the past year. And, if it was a year like we experienced in 2020, we could all use a fresh start!

Some of you may create a new year’s checklist, some identify one word or a focal word, and a few of my friends create vision boards. If you’re really wanting to make a significant change, you might need expert help. Luckily, I run with lots of people who I’d consider experts.

The Right Combination

My friend, Barbie Armenta is a freedom life coach. Her passion is to empower women to bravely live their most authentic and purposeful life. Barbie and her husband, Richard founded The Right Combination a few years ago. The Right Combination is about combining courage, commitment, and faith to step into the life that God has for you. Barbie has the uncanny ability to motivate people to identify and set a plan to achieve their happiest, most full life. I’ve known Barbie for a long time and she’s my go-to whenever I feel stuck, need a nod of support on a plan, or when I simply miss girl time and we both have a few hours when we can have a quick visit at a neighborhood coffee shop.

To resolve or not to resolve

I managed to catch up with Barbie earlier in the year to ask her about New Year’s Resolutions, vision casting, and the cool process of vision boarding. If you haven’t done it, I highly recommend that you create a vision board.

Photo with two coffee cups near a cozy sofa and table.  Create vision board

Here’s a peek into my conversation with Barbie…

Taylor: Why do you think people so often fail at New Year’s Resolutions?

Barbie: New Year’s resolutions are often a list of things that you felt like you did not do well last year. Things like “I want to lose weight, become financially free, or become more organized.The problem is that we haven’t changed our patterns and attempt the change using will power. This can leave us feeling bad about ourselves for falling back into our old ways by the end of January. If you want something different, you will have to do something different.

Vision Boards

Taylor:  People often ask me how to create a vision board. What’s Vision Boarding and how is it different than New Year’s Resolutions?

Barbie: A vision board is a creative way to keep your goals and dreams in front of you. Surrounding yourself with vision makes your dreams come alive. It gives clarity, builds your faith, prioritizes goals, and reminds you of your mission.

Taylor: What are some quick tips for creating an effective vision board?

Barbie: A vision board can be as simple or fancy as you want it to be. It can be a poster board or you can have a nice framed cork board. Either way, we think in pictures, so I encourage you to use pictures of the things you want. The vision board itself is not magical, it is the realization and clarity of your dreams.

Image with lots of travel pins, beautiful destinations, goals, books, cars, gifts and other dream items. Create vision board

Vision Board sample courtesy of Mindvalley Blog

Travel makes everyone’s vision board…

Taylor: What are the most common categories in vision boards that you’ve seen?

Barbie: The most common categories I see are personal, financial, career goals, and of course travel! Whether it is a family vacation or a bucket list trip, you can bet travel makes everyone’s vision board.

Taylor: Thank you, Barbie! This is helpful to me and I bet a lot of other people can benefit from learning more about vision boards and the process of setting a plan to realize your dreams.

Do a thing! Reset the year and find your vision. Image of flowers with encouraging words. Create vision board
Image courtesy of Barbie Armenta

So now I ask you. Did you make any New Year’s Resolutions? Have you ever created a vision board? If not, I say let’s start! It can be as simple as a collage of all the great places you plan to visit in the coming months. Of all the things we can do, let’s resolve to travel more!

Safe Travels and Happy Hotel Hunting,


P.S. You can learn more about Barbie Armenta, her husband Richard Armenta, The Right Combination, and Barbie’s group, The Brave Gathering at For Amazon Prime subscribers, you can also learn more about Barbie and Richard on my show, The Focus where we talk about finding love after divorce, and the Armentas new book, The Right Combination!

P.P.S. For more great content on how to create the perfect online vision board, be sure to check out this guide by Design Wizard. It shows you how to plan your vision board, design your dream board, the best tools for creating a vision board online, and using your vision board to achieve your goals! You don’t have to wait for the clock to strike 12. Anytime is a great time for a refresh!